Render of dinosaur ROAR with close up of features

Dinosaur ROAR

Read the project write-up This is the technical write-up

What we did

We took the artwork from the Paul Strickland books and created a new series of 3d dinos, including some new additions. The process was still the same, design, 3d build, texturing, rigging, posing and rendering. The project is an ongoing one so keep checking in for news and updates. Or join our mailing list...

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Photograph of clay model from prop shop

Prop shop

The first couple of dinosaurs were built physically at prop shop, overseen by the Natural History museum. Using a high res digital scan of the physical models for reference, we then build the models in 3d and went through a further iterative process. Each dinosaur has had full consultation from the NHM's head of palaeontology in respect of size, shape and form to ensure our dino's are anatomically accurate, whilst in keeping with the look and feel of a brand intended for pre-schoolers. A balance of artistic license and scientifically sound dinosaurs. 

Greyscale of dinosaur ROAR
Greyscale of dinosaur STOMP
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Original illustration of Paul Strickland's Dinosaur ROAR and Dinosaur Squeak

Water colour technique

In Paul's original artwork (left), he uses beautiful water colour droplet techniques to create the wonderful palette and textures on the dinosaurs, he's even used the same specialist paper stock over the entire works. So emulating this digitally was always going to be a significant part of the process. Once we hit the technique with ROAR, we could apply the same process across all the other dinosaurs. 


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Colour render of Dinosaur ROAR, no texture

Skinning a dinosaur ***

After creating the base colour (right), we made a pelt map, where ROARs skin is fully spread out, from which we work into it in Photoshop, recreating the look of Pauls texture. 

Colour render of Dinosaur ROAR, texture 1 with less splots
Colour render of Dinosaur ROAR, texture 2 with more splots
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Retaining the feel of the original artwork

Once we got the texture right, with his lovely mottled effect, we could move on to posing the fella! 

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sketches for posing roar
Various posed renders of Dinosaur ROAR

Strike a pose!

Rough sketches are a useful point of reference for the artist posing the character. We manoeuvre its rig (for the body) and morph targets (for expressions) into position and then render this out as a still image, much like we would when animating except only one frame is needed.

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greyscale of 6 dinosaurs to compare size and form

Consistency across the group

We've created 8 dinosaurs to date (with more to come!) and throughout the process there has been an element of refinement and review once a dinosaur is complete, ensuring each new dinosaur is identifiable to the brand and fits in the collection, without loosing their individual characterisation. We looked at colours, scales and textures throughout to keep everything just so with this group of lovable characters. 

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group layout of dinosaurs

***No dinosaurs were harmed during the making of this production 

Read the project write-up This is the technical write-up