Sugary Death Machine- Clay Render


Clay Render of Eat Me

Sugary Death Machine

Read the project write-up This is the technical write-up


3ds Max, Vray, Vray Dome light, Photoshop, After Effects

triangles5 Created with Sketch.
Photograph of Woods used in Sugary Death Machine
Photograph of Silver ball for HDR light data

Foggy inspiration

We had designed and built the model prior to finding the perfect location for our backdrop – when a foggy day came we managed to get into the woods and shoot a bunch of photos and HDRs, out of which this one stood out. The perfect setting for our Sugary Death Machine. 

triangles Created with Sketch. circles2 Created with Sketch.
Eat Me wireframe render
Eat Me Zdepth
Eat Me render
Eat Me render bedding in scene

The process

The colour of the slime was changed, extra shadow added and an extra layer of background fog in the trees, again using the VrayZdepth pass. The final colour overlays consisted of a blue/purple gradient, Exposure, greyscale gradient overlay, and a black and white overlay of the whole image knocked right back and finished off with a tweak of brightness and contrast! 

triangles Created with Sketch. circles2 Created with Sketch.
hi-res render of the Sugary Death Machine Cottage
Read the project write-up This is the technical write-up