The initial brief was to create a characterful animation, set in the gut. It needed to be a stylised piece that would engage and inform, for HCPs. Considerations for the audience when determining the look and feel of the characters was key.
Following the success of the Mode of action- Clinical trail animation, we created a new piece to describe the affects of contamination in a hospital setting. We created new characters and scenes including a TV Studio style set and hospital scene where the mode of action took place.
The animation included a scientific character narrating; we used hair farm and created customised rigs, to really bring out her expression and movement, including using a flex modifier on her coat.
We used light and reflection passes to create a sleek and modern 3d TV studio that was in keeping with the overall treatment.
Rendering was a technical challenge due to the floating CG TV monitor, which needed to act and look just like a physical monitor within the set, so we had to allow for plenty of time and processing power given all those studio lights and reflections.